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Vision Tips

  • You have presbyopia. Now what?

    Do you find yourself squinting to read your computer screen, or struggling to read your smartphone, menus, magazines or labels? If you do, and you’re over 40, chances are you have presbyopia. Presbyopia Signs And Symptoms Presbyopia is the normal change that occurs as your eye ages because the lens stiffens and loses flexibility, making […]

    Continue Reading October 12, 2017

  • Cosmetics And Our Eye Health

    Nobody likes accidentally jabbing themselves in the eye with a mascara applicator, but that isn’t the only eye health concern when it comes to cosmetics.

    Continue Reading September 13, 2017

  • Cosmetics And Our Eye Health

    Nobody likes accidentally jabbing themselves in the eye with a mascara applicator, but that isn’t the only eye health concern when it comes to cosmetics.

    Continue Reading September 13, 2017

  • A Back-to-School Contact Lens Guide For Teens

    Another summer behind us, another school year just ahead. So much to do to get ready. As you rush around getting new school clothes and school supplies, don’t forget to schedule your student’s back-to-school eye exam. This is an essential step for school readiness because poor vision can be a barrier to learning. Which might […]

    Continue Reading August 21, 2017

  • How to Make A Solar Viewer

    Introduction This blog details everything needed to make a Safe Solar Viewer (SSV). Two types of projection viewers are described, a simple one costing less than $1 and a more elaborate one that can be made for twelve to eighteen dollars depending on the items you have on hand. The viewers depicted on these pages […]

    Continue Reading August 16, 2017